
The Neighborhood Well "TNW", a volunteer run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, seeks to meet the immediate needs of the homeless and unstably housed communities in our neighborhoods while creating a pipeline to other organizations and resources that enable those in need to achieve stability and long-term self-sufficiency. While serving we give encouragement and support following the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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Outreach Volunteers and TNW Members

Outreach Volunteers and TNW Members


There are many ways to help and no deed is too small.  Check out some opportunities below!

GEt involved

Find out how you can use your skills and passion to make a difference in the lives of others. 


Check out when we will be hosting Mobile Shower service, what we will be distributing in our Blessing Bags, and how you can donate items in-kind.  Be sure to sign-up to serve with us!


Consider partnering financially with The Neighborhood Well!


What We Do


Mobile shower program

We are providing warm showers for our neighbors every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Our mobile shower trailer contains two separate stalls with a shower, toilet , and sink where our neighbors can enjoy bathing and grooming in private. Our goal in every initiative is to meet our neighbors where they are; this mobile shower program is no different. Our current Mobile Shower Program host is First United Methodist Church of Hyattsville. As we expand the program, we will be partnering with new host locations. We plan to meet our unhoused neighbors where they are with showers and love in all parts of the DC Metropolitan Area.  Learn more about the Mobile Shower!


In partnership with Prince George’s County Public Library System, we provide Blessing Bags (toiletries, food, and resources) to our neighbors experiencing homelessness.


Our Neighborhood

The D.C. Metropolitan area encompasses diverse socioeconomic groups of people.
Almost one-forth of this diverse population lives below the poverty line. 


Homeless in d.C. Metropolitan area in 2020

During a 2020 Point in Time report, 6,833 people were found to be experiencing homelessness between the District of Columbia and Prince George’s County alone. 


public shower resources 

Outside of homeless shelters, there are only five organizations providing shower services to the homeless, leaving many unsheltered neighbors without the ability to bathe.


mobile shower programs 

We have introduced the first mobile shower program to the DC Metropolitan Area, serving the unsheltered exactly where they are. 


follow tnw for updates, events, and resources